Are You Loquacious?

Donald McGilchrist

Donald McGilchrist

Do you know the definition of loquacious (loquacity)?

a.     Excessive speaking or babbling

b.     Tendency to laugh too much

c.     Appreciation for details

d. Longing for money or possessions

I didn’t know this word loquacious until I was taught it by my friend, the late Donald McGilchrist. Donald was Navigators International Administrator from 1976-2005 and then served as Advisor, Historian and Theologian. He died July 2, 2019 at the age of 81. 

Donald was born in England in 1937 just as the terrors of World War II were unfolding, so His father moved the family to Scotland to take refuge from the war. Donald attended Oxford University, completing a triple major in politics, philosophy and economics—the equivalent of a master’s degree—while playing high-level rugby.

Back to loquacious. Did you chose (a)? You are correct. Here are my notes from a discussion with Donald on mission-workers and leaders’ tendency to “speak excessively.” In Donald’s precise words…

  •  Don’t “think-out-loud.” The tongue is made for speaking, not thinking.

  • Don’t declare that you have “little to add” and then think up a great pudding of an answer!

  • Enter deeply into the conversation. A good conversation is an art. Respond rather than announce.

  • Do not exaggerate. It is a mark of poor discipline or empty arguments. You will not win an argument by being pompous.

  • Never apologize as you start. This is your space. Occupy it with grace and truth.

Sure, Donald was gifted as a wordsmith, but let us not excuse ourselves from loquacity only because we are not similarly gifted. For example:

Newsletters: After you have written your letter, let it sit for an hour, then come back to it. Now, prune 20% of the words on that paper. Pruning makes it better. Donald said, “Stop while you are ahead. Intrigue, don’t fatigue!”

Public Speaking: Before you prepare, jot down “What do I want my listener to do as a result of my words?” Donald said, “What is your point? If you cannot tame it into one sentence, it is not ready to be delivered!” 

I once asked Donald to prepare a short video on administration. He asked me twice about who the audience was and what the video was supposed to accomplish. Just to be clear!

Fundraising: With your giving partners, talk less, listen more. With Donald, I realized I did most of the talking. Though he was exceedingly well-educated, he made me feel like my ideas were important.

Donald said we must choose our words carefully and not to be like “kids with water pistols!”

Here are two Scriptures Donald left with me:

...pagans...think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them....
— Matthew 6:7-8
When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise.
— Proverbs 10:19

Thank you, Donald McGilchrist. May we, like you, discipline ourselves to avoid loquacity. The Kingdom of God is at stake. It matters what we say and how we say it.


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