In Coaching Others, Remember LPC!

I love finding easy ways to remember ministry guidelines.  So, here’s LPC  – mental triggers for effective coaching.  Listen, Pray, Celebrate (LPC)!

L - Listen

“This week was challenging,” Megan said (not her real name). “I went into my appointment with my presentation well laid out, ready to share my story and ministry and invite them to partner financially.”  

Then Megan paused: “Well, it went sideways from the beginning!”

My brow furrowed, “What happened?”

“I felt they hijacked everything I started to say. They’d ask me a question and then talk over me as I tried to answer. They pointedly asked, ‘Why aren’t you getting a real job; why aren’t you dating?’  Then the wife finished with ‘we’ll pray about support and we’ll get back to you’.  It was a very pointed statement.”

After listening to Megan talk this out, expressing her frustrations I asked a couple of questions. “What were your expectations going into this meeting?” and “What are you learning from this?”  Then we talked through options.

What was key in this? To LISTEN, draw her out, ask questions to know how she was processing it.  And then, talk through ways to handle this in the future.  If I had assumed I knew how she felt and dived into solutions, I would have short-circuited her verbalizing what she was learning, and ultimately her owning of how to proceed in the future.

P - Prayer

Praying is often the part I overlook.  I must admit, I find myself forgetting to pray in between our coaching calls.  I pray on the phone call.  But, my praying in between is often negligible.  So, what do I do to remind me to pray?

  1. Scripture: Philippians 1:3-4 “Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart.”  (The Message)

  2. Put in in my calendar – yes, I calendarize my prayer time! When their name comes up, I stop and pray.

I sure love to have someone pray for me–so I must offer that to others.

C - Celebrate

Celebrating big and small successes is fun!  Celebrate phone calls made, appointments secured, gifts that arrived. Celebrate both her effort and God at work.  When Megan told me, “It seems once I started working diligently at my support, God began to work too!  One couple surprised me with a $100 monthly gift without my even meeting with them! 

That reminded me of Romans 8:32: “Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?” Encourage your people to see God as our loving and generous provider, and look for ways to celebrate and rejoice with them!

As Megan and I continue to meet, she said, “I’m writing down what you’re saying.  This way I can remember it and then tweak it to make the words my own.  Until now I’ve not had anyone with whom to talk things through, pray for me, give me ideas, listen and encourage. Thank you so much. I feel more confident and am seeing God at work.”

Thanks to the Lord. May God use us to encourage others even when we feel like we don’t have much to contribute. Remember LPC—Listen, Pray, Celebrate!


Marion Stolte, ACC 

International Funding Coach, Navigators

Life and Funding Coach, LifePath Coaching Services

You may contact Marion at  or


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