Would Your Giving Partners Say You Are a Genuinely Thankful Person?

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Next week is America’s national Thanksgiving holiday. It was started in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln. Your country might not have an official day of thanks, but as 2022 ends what better time to appreciate your giving partners?

Here’s a 10-minute idea!

Each Thanksgiving morning, I phone two giving partners simply to say thank you. I subjectively select two who pop into my mind the first hour of the day—small partners or larger Anchor Donors. It’s my first order of business Thanksgiving morning. 

Question: Are we Gospel-workers known as being genuinely thankful? Or do we portray an image of, “You owe me. After all, I am called to God’s work!”

Thankfulness must come from the inside. If you don’t thank a grocery clerk who went to the back to get you fresh bananas, neither will you thank donors.

 If you’re grateful, your donors feel it. If you aren’t, they feel that too.

In Romans 1 Paul famously outlines the decline of civilization into debauchery with phrases like they “worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator.” Then he adds, “neither were theythankful.” Thanklessness is a step in the process of moral decline! A thankless attitude is a sinful attitude!

Which giving partner can you thank today or this week? Who comes to mind? Honor them by saying not merely “thanks,” but Thank You!

Are small gestures of thankfulness appreciated?One donor was so touched by my call, he phoned to appreciate me the following Thanksgiving — 365 days later!

In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God
— Philippians 4:6

To quote British author and business leader, Os Guinness: “Let all your thinks be thanks!”


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