Increase Your End-of Year Income Today

© The Navigators. All Rights Reserved.

© The Navigators. All Rights Reserved.

Do yourself a favor with a short last-minute funding reminder for 2020. On December 30 or 31 send an email to your mailing list reminding them it is not too late to send a gift. This follows up your end-of-year appeal letter. 

Is it too pushy? Do I want to bother people on New Year’s Eve Day? 

According to US studies, 31% of all US gifts are given in December. And 10-12% of all giving happens the last three days of the year.  

Those statistics maybe aren’t the same in your country, but people around the world have powerful inclinations to improve their lives as the calendar turns. And that includes generosity. Don’t neglect this opportunity to add significant income to your ministry.

What do I say in this last-minute email appeal? 

Here is an outline—use only about 200 words:

First sentence: Explain why you are writing. Don’t beat around the bush. For example: “I am writing today with hope that you will send a year-end gift before midnight tomorrow.”

Express appreciation. What ministry can you do because of your giving partners? Remind of your vision.

Include a photograph. Maybe the same one used in your earlier appeal.

Explain why give now. To start the new year fully underwritten to do the work God has called you to.

Express appreciation that your reader cares about the gospel. For example: “I know you care about advancing the gospel….”

Say thank you and explain how to give. For example: “If you already sent a gift, thank you. If not, there is still time. Please send a gift of the Lord’s leading by December 31, midnight. Use this link [_________]. Or explain how to send a gift.

Your signature and title.

P.S. Thank you in advance for however the Lord leads you.

Heading (compelling): Explain about 24 hours to go. Or “There’s Still Time!”

 I am sure some of my people will be offended! Like my grandmother!

Simply do not send it to her! Or others whom you mail feel would not understand nor appreciate the email—such as family members or non-believer skeptics. But don’t make decisions for them.

What if I didn’t send an appeal in December?

It will be awkward to send a reminder if your readers did not receive a recent appeal. Instead, prepare a more substantial appeal to your entire list to be sent around January 10—your “start-of-year” appeal. See page 125 of my book, Funding Your Ministry for appeal guidelines.

Check out these posts for appeal writing guidelines:

As always, pray about your words. Re-read and edit several times. Picture one reader as you write—write to her, not the group. Before you hit “send,” pray again!

The worker is worthy of support.
— Matthew 10:10



Two Lessons I have Learnt about Donor Ministry (from the donors themselves!)


“Going Ahead Afraid!”