“Going Ahead Afraid!”

a tip for young fundraisers from a veteran fundraiser

I was once told that perseverance is “going ahead afraid.” That is, “do what is right even though you are fearful.” I found those three words to be true in funding, but it took a kick in the pants to put it into practice.

Come back with me to my early days as a Navigator. I hope this encourages you in your funding. 

I was being coached by Scott Morton in my fundraising preparation for moving overseas long-term. We needed to more than double our budget which felt like climbing Mount Everest without a rope. Most of our closer friends were already supporting us, so I hoped to call on many people I had not seen in a long time and with whom (I thought) we had little relationship. Would they even remember us?

My wife, Karen and I were not optimistic! Doubling our income? And we had a deadline!

One of the hardest things to do was to phone these long-lost contacts. As I sat at my desk watching the minutes tick by on my big wall-clock, wild imaginations ran through my mind: 

Bite the bullet” took on new meaning!

  • What will I say? 

  • Will this be an uncomfortable call? 

  • Will these “strangers” want to be part of our financial and prayer team? Probably not!

  • Will they ever speak to me again? Probably not!

One morning while sitting at my desk “studying” my phone, it rang! Surprise! It was Scott calling to check on my progress. 

Even with all the verses I had been taught about biblical funding running through my head, I shared with Scott how hard it was to make those calls. Scott paused, empathized with me, and said “Dave, you just need to bite the bullet and make the calls.” Hmmm. I was hoping for an easier answer!

So I dug out an old 50 caliber unloaded machine gun bullet that we got as a memento from touring a World War II B-17 airplane. I took Scott literally. 

For the next few weeks I would sit at my desk, pick up the phone, bite my bullet, and make the calls, trusting the Lord would give me the words to say.                                                                                                                                                                                   

I remember one of those early calls…. one hand holding the bullet while I bit it and the other hand punching in the phone number and throwing up a quick “bullet” prayer to the Lord. 

The end of the story? By His grace, the Lord gave us many appointments, most of these “strangers” said yes, our budget was raised, and we were released to move to East Asia. And those “strangers” have become good friends to this very day.

Originally, “biting the bullet” helped soldiers endure pain during battlefield medical procedures. But I confess, our funding appeals turned out to be joyful encounters—not painful at all.

As a memorial to God’s grace, I still have my bullet and display it prominently to remind me to “go ahead afraid.” Full disclosure: my 50 caliber bullet has teeth marks in it!

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Dave and Karen Anderson joined Navigators in Minnesota collegiate ministry for 12 years before moving to a restricted country in East Asia. They served there for 20 years and as one of the Asia/Pacific Regional Leaders for an additional 6 years. Since their training in funding to move overseas, they have been up to budget for 31 years. It can be done!

The Anderson’s now live in Fergus Falls, MN where they help shepherd our staff in the Upper Midwest. Dave and Karen’s life verse is Psalms 34:8, “O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (NASB)


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