Personal stories

or journal entries by Scott or mission workers

Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip--Day One

Made it to Baltimore okay but left late and arrived late. I noticed again that the favorite topic of conversation among air travelers is complaining about air travel--late arrivals, poor food, cramped seats, etc. A few years ago I decided not to join in on these conversations. I'm just glad to arrive safely in a few hours as opposed to a few days!

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Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip---Getting Ready

Tomorrow I start a seven-day trip to visit three staff and nine giving partners on the East Coast. Actually, eight giving partners and one Nav alumni I haven't seen in 20 years! She seemed glad on the phone, but it's been such a long time I find myself apprehensive.

Typically I try to see at least 14 people on a seven-day trip…

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Scott Morton Scott Morton

What's Better Than 10 Emails?

Today on Skype, Deodaat from The Netherlands told about a meeting with a monthly giving partner who has faithfully supported him for two years. Deodaat invited his friend to his home, not to make an appeal, but simply to sit outside by the fire pit and talk. Deodaat said, “He had committed for two years, but I wasn’t sure if he was going to continue his support.” How would the meeting go?

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Scott Morton Scott Morton

Will face-to-face fundraising appeals harm my relationships?

It was late on a sunny afternoon, and we had just come back from an afternoon snack break. Our group had been drilling down on the emotions of fundraising around the dining room table of our host. We could hear kitchen noises as he sliced up vegetables for supper and put them in a steaming pot.  It had been a good day of sharing genuine concerns and fears about fundraising. We had come a long way that day.
Then silence for a few seconds.
Hesitatingly, someone asked:

Will face-to-face fundraising appeals harm my relationships with my friends and acquaintances?

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